游五岳博士: Land Reform and State Capacity 华南经济论坛第270期
题目:Land Reform and State Capacity
主讲人:游五岳 中央财经大学
摘要:Using the county-level data in the newly-liberated areas, we investigate the effects of land reform in 1950s on the building of state capacity in China. We find that by confiscating landlords’ land and clans’ public land, as well as redistributing them to poor peasants, the reform increased the state’s fiscal capacity and improved the presence of the state’s agencies in the society. Furthermore, by increasing the fiscal capacity, the land reform promoted the industrialization when centralized economy prevailed, while it had no effect on industrialization during the economic decentralization. We also find that the land reform had a negative effect on the Famine.
简介:游五岳,中央财经大学金融学院讲师,北京大学国家发展研究院经济学博士,美国麻省理工学院访问员工。研究方向主要有经济史、政治经济学、发展经济学。发表论文有"Women’s political participation and gender gaps of education in China: 1950–1990." World Development 106 (2018): 220-237.(With Yang Yao);“内生化的制度选择与长期经济增长:以河北省县域地区差距为例,1952-1998”,《中国大陆研究》,2019年5月号(与李飞跃,张冬,刘明兴);“江苏省工业转型区域差异的再反思,1952-2003”,《二十一世纪》,2019年8月号(与李飞跃,章奇,刘明兴)。