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6月8日砺儒讲坛第44讲: Geography versus Policy:Exploring How Location Matters in Placed-Based Policies Using a Natural Experiment in China

2016-06-08 15:58:00 来源:院科研办 点击: 收藏本文

主题:Geography versus Policy:Exploring How Location Matters in Placed-Based Policies Using a Natural Experiment in China

主讲人:上海交通大学安泰经济管理学院 陆铭 特聘教授




摘要:Using the mass closure of development zones in 2004 as a natural experiment, we examine the causal effect of development zone closure on firm-level TFP in China, and its locational heterogeneity. The difference-in-difference estimator shows that on average, loss of protection by zones results in 6.5% loss of firms’ TFP, while the effect varies with locations. Within 500 kilometers of the three major seaports in China, closure of zones reduced firm-level TFP by 9.62%, whereas closure of zone farther away did not show significant effects. We also found that market potential plays a role in explaining the locational heterogeneous effect.

